So, lots of people have asked me how to potty train lately. I guess having 5 kids, people think I know how to do it or something. Well, I hate to disappoint, but I REALLY don't feel like an expert. However, being on my 4th go-round here, I do think that I've learned a few things.
1) You HAVE to wait until the child is ready. Until then, it just ain't gonna happen, and you will just get yourself and your little one needlessly frustrated. Be patient. Lydia was about 2 1/2 when she got it, and my boys, Ross, Mark and Justice were all nearly 3. Believe me, I know how much we all want our children to be out of diapers. But trust me on this, if they aren't ready, don't waste your time. Don't give yourself a needless headache (or your child needless guilt trips) and don't feel like a bad parent either. Some kids will be ready before others, and that's fine. I don't know how to tell when they are ready. They may show an interest, heck a keen interest in the potty early on. This may or may not mean they are ready. Yes, try it, but if it doesn't work, don't sweat it. Let it go and try again in a few months. When they are ready, it only takes a couple of days till they just get it, and then they are completely there. That's how it's been in my experience anyway. If you've tried and after a day or two, they just aren't getting it, don't push the issue, try again in a few months.
2) Don't waste your money on pull-ups as a general rule. Face the fact that you are going to have to clean up a mess or two or three or four. Pull ups are just like diapers to them. They just pee, and it gets absorbed, they don't care. Let them pee their pants with underwear (or go bare bottom, if you prefer). Let them see and feel the consequence. They probably won't like it. Now, if you are going out of the house, and they aren't quite totally trustworthy with those undies yet, yes, use a pull up or a diaper. But at home, NO. (If you work, wait until a Saturday when you can spend most of the day or a couple of days at home before you even try.) If your child is really ready for the potty, this stage shouldn't last too long. Like I said eventually it just clicks and they know what to do.
3) With a child who is ready, sometimes it's just a battle of wills. Justice is like this. He can do it, he's just not sure he wants to. Win the battle of wills. Put that kid in underwear, show him how to use the toilet, and let him pee his pants, poop them too. (Of course offer to take them to the potty several times a day. If you can see that they are getting ready to go, pick them up and set them on the potty.) Most little kids want to be a big kid, they want to wear the underwear, so if they are ready just enforce it (during the day, night time bed wetting is a whole other ball of wax. Some kids are just bed wetters, and so far as I know, they can't help it.) You don't have to be mean about it, just let them know that they are big and that they won't be wearing diapers anymore. Brace yourself to clean up a mess or two, and do it. Have a sticker chart, a bag of suckers, a few chocolate chips or something for a reward, and make a huge deal about it when they do use the toilet. When they mess up, show them that you are disappointed, but don't be mad at them. They are just little kids learning a new skill, they will mess up. It's okay. Having them help clean up the mess (in a nice way) will be a reminder and an incentive not to do it again. Don't make potty training be stressful for them. (Boy, don't I wish I could say that I've always done it like this! -HA HA!)
A tip that sounds good to me is to put them immediately on the toilet the first thing in the morning, as soon as they get out of bed. Don't we all have to pee first thing in the morning?
You might have a child who is like Ross was for me. He was truly afraid to poop in the potty for some unknown reason. I'm not sure what his aversion was, but he went a full year only half potty trained. He peed in the toilet always, but he would not poop in the potty. Why, I don't really know, but I think he was afraid that the toilet monster would come out and get him. What to do about that, I don't know. I tried to catch him in the act time and time and time again, and set him on the toilet when I KNEW he had to poo. He wouldn't do it though. He'd hold it all day until he got a diaper on to go to bed, then he'd poop in that. One day about a year after he was pee potty trained, we caught him at it, and he couldn't hold it any longer. He pooped in the toilet, and that was the end of that. It was a light bulb moment for him, he just realized that the toilet monster wasn't going to kill him, and it was all good. If you have one like Ross, I'm sorry. No good advice. Be patient and ready with those wet wipes.
That's all I really know. Hope it's helpful. Sorry if it's really not. I'd say, if you've tried everything you know, and it's not working, don't stress out - maybe they just aren't ready. Give it up and try again later.
-What a lot of yammer about nothing!
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2 months ago
You know it's funny because QQ acted more "ready" than Vance and it took me about 3 months to get to the place it took me 3 weeks to get Vance to (less than one accident a day). Vance really seemed to like the idea of going on the potty more than QQ though.
They both did the poop holding thing (but for more like a few weeks. A full year, yikes!). Vance still does not like to poop in public (ie at school!).
definitly not yammering about nothing!! i for one got alot out of all that. erik is not ready. quit stressing. end of story, lol! he's three, but he's always went by his own schedule. he was WAY older than jonni when he started talking, but when he did, it was in complete sentences. so hopefully it will go that way with the potty training! once he's ready, it won't take long. i hope, i hope, i hope!!
Renae, I have to say that YOU make the Yule Tide gay.
Perfect! So I suddenly remembered tonight that my dear cousin Renae has a blog, and I needed to get the address so I could check it out. (I just ironed out the kinks in my blogging-world. Kinda.) And what do you know, you are blogging about a current problem of mine. Josh KNOWS how to use the potty and when he needs to go, but he just won't do it, and it's a little frustrating. Now I have the strength to give up with dignity and try again later!
Great, I just made everybody give up! LOL! Emily, so nice to hear from you! I love having new blogging buddies! Did I use enough exclamation points? I feel like Elaine from Seinfeld. "I would be using an exclamation point on this sentence! And this one!"
I appreciate the potty talk. I'm hitting this head-on with Ava the weekend after Christmas- oh how I want a diaper free household! We have to deal with my father-in-laws accidents here too and just barely got him out of diapers again after he returned home from the hospital, but he still wets the bed 1-2 times a week. So my dreams of Ava potty-trained by 2 are a bit overblown...
oh, but what a relief it was to say, okay, he's not ready, i can quit stressing!! lol!
i dont think the idea is to give up, especially if the child knows what to do , when and how. its more the idea to not get overly stressed. i will all work itself out in the end.
There does come a point when you do just need to enforce it. If you know that they know how, but they just don't want to, just take away the diapers. They'll get it. Oh, and I'm thinking that maybe a day or two is a bit quick. Justice keeps having relapses. Heck I told you I don't know what I'm talking about!
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