Setting up expense reimbursement in your Church account
For members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, when you
spend money for your Church calling, you can submit receipts to your
leaders and h...
2 months ago
Just how many of those expensive boxes did they eat and/or spill this morning? Or is it because you bought a box that you like for a splurge and they wasted it all?
We left for church in somewhat of a hurry this morning, without cleaning up breakfast dishes. So, I came home to a mess and spent a good deal of time cleaning it up. As always there were little sticky cereal spills on and under the table. Anyway I got my kitchen back to spic-n-span. The kids decided to have cereal for a snack. Justice, my 2yr old not only spilled his sugary, sticky cereal all over, but he had a great time throwing it all over the kitchen. Literally, there was cereal on the borders of all four walls, in the windowsil, sticky cereal milk and soggy cereal all over the table, chairs and floor. So, I grumpily cleaned it up. I sat down in the living room and about half an hour later, his older brother got the cereal out again. He was nice enough to make Justice up a bowl, which of course he spilt all over. He also was taking handfuls of the soggy stuff and was shoving it into the open milk jug. ARGH! Oh well, someday I'll miss this stuff right?
This is why I only buy plain Cheerios ;)
Aw, that's so gross! Yeah, the less sugar the better when it comes to cereal. Somehow it just cleans up better. But it does still stick if it happens to dry - though that's nothing a wet washrag set on top of it can't fix in about 5 minutes! ;) On the other hand, I think your second-to-youngest child could make a mess out of just about anything if he got creative enough!
Sorry! That was me (Timpani) again, not Erik. Erik never buys cereal!
Yeah I think cereal should have age warnings attached. Kids should have to eat it dry until then reach a certain age. lol!
You're a saint for staying patient.
"Staying patient?!" Ha ha ha ha!!!! I wish.
mental patient????
Well you've not sold 'em on the black market and that's saying something... lol!
get me an offer and we can talk.
I was offended by the word "hate". that seems very strong. In our home we teach our children to love everyone.
erik has taken to spilling something at least once, more often twice, a meal. argh! but a least i don't have to clean off every available space. the the table and the floor and the chairs...
It must be really hard to have children that create messes everywhere they go. My perfect children would never be so thoughtless! ;)
my son just spilled his cereal all over every available surface. great. it's spreading.
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