Thursday, June 12, 2008

My Bone-Headed Moment of The Decade

I went to the grocery store, did the shopping, unloaded everything into the van, buckled Justice up, shut his door, and tried to open mine. My van was locked, with my keys, purse, and most importantly, my 2 year old inside. It was not running, and it was about 90 degrees outside. Long story short (I don't have the will or the mind or whatever to write out the whole thing.) I had to borrow a couple of cell phones from strangers, and within 15 minutes the firemen had come and opened the door for me. Thank goodness for firemen!!!! Justice was fine, he was still smiling in fact. He had no clue that his life was at stake. Sigh, I need to go and let my brain ooze out somewhere now.


Dana Cheryl said...

Oh Renae! Don't beat yourself up too badly. I know a locksmith and his family. They say it happens all the time.

lizS said...

your brother just did that not too long ago, only it was the cat and not a child. and the car was running. how scary though! i would have totally freaked i think. good for you keeping a level head!

Bruce said...

dont worry all, i gave her a sound beating so she wont make that mistake again.

Bruce said...

what do you tell a woman with two black eyes?