Saturday, June 21, 2008

Hooray for Chloe!

Chloe Fatsoy made it just over 5.5 miles today with no limping! She was dead tired though.


lizS said...

yay, chloe! and the tiredness goes away eventually right? that's what everyone insists on telling me anyway...

Bruce said...

its true. when you get to where your can go, you can push yourself till you think your going to pop and 5 min later you can be like lets go some more. i think chloe is starting to get thinner.

Renae said...

I don't know. She may not have limped while we were walking, but she sure did limp the rest of the day, after she'd lain around and gotten stiff. I think I'm being a bit too hard on the poor dog. Bad Mommie! I just have to figure out how to tell when enough is enough. The problem is, once you've walked 2.75 miles away from home, you pretty much HAVE to walk back, whether it's too much or not.

Eyepoke said...

how old is Chloe?

Renae said...


Bruce said...

and she has been limping sence that walk. my poor dog. she is being torchered by renae.

Dana Cheryl said...

It's really, really hard to tell when to stop. Maybe just walk a little further each day if she doesn't limp then go a bit more then next day? It's never easy to know for sure. Where's Dr. DoLittle when we need him?! :) One thing I know for sure is that you're a great dog-mom!

Mom and Sarah said...'re on there now. How on earth can you walk that far when you're about to have a baby! You're amazing. Lisa