Some of you more petite persons might not understand this. But what a luxury it is to have pants that are really long enough -pants that touch the top of your shoes -that I could wash 100 times and they still touch my feet! I have seriously NEVER had pants that were this long before (well, maybe when I was a kid, but that doesn't count). I spent my entire Jr. High and High School careers looking like I was waiting for a flood, as pants that came in long lengths weren't available to the masses yet. My only sadness is that these are maternity pants, and I will never again wear these after a few months. Oh well, maybe I can cut the legs off and sew them to some new pants? Naw.
so, when you are done being preggo, i do believe you and i have a shopping date on me. (i have watched your too short jeans long enough! i can't take it anymore!) when's yer birthday? november? that's just about perfect right? that'll give you some time to get your figure back (and you know it takes you far less time then the rest of us you barbie doll). and THEN it's a birthday present, so don't complain. and whoever wants to help me hogtie her and force her to come get some jeans with me, is welcome! hee hee hee!
and mayhap some jeans for myself as well, and while we're there, we might as well get a top to go with the jeans, and maybe a dress too...
id be interested in her having somthing that did not make it all the way to her feet, but i wont go into detail.
you are not invited on the shopping trip. maybe you and renae can do a private on of your own, but otherwise, keep it to yourself! ew!
Oh PULEEZE!! I would agree that Bruce is stepping into the inappropriate, but that HARDLY compares with your comment on John's "new visitors" section!
And BTW, I'd love a shopping excursion! But I'm afraid November is a bit optimistic. It took me quite a bit longer to shed the lbs with Justice than the previous three. And, I'm afraid I'm going to have a bit farther to go than before. ARGH! I really don't like that part of pregnancy!
Trust me- I KNOW the feeling. I think I'm actually taller than you...
I have to go to the outlet stores to buy jeans that will fit me- it's either that or fork out $50 for long enough ones from the web.
My only problem in jeans is that I am in between a petite and a regular in length, so I have to get them either too long or too short. I know, I know, cry me a river.
hahahahaha! i knew renae would say something like that! funny! it's not the topic renae, it's the instigator!
As a fellow Gibby (I know you never had that last name, but you are still a Gibby) I feel your pain. Things have looked up lately. Walmart actually has jeans that are long enough for about $17. And Kohls often has dressier pants that are long enough. I also buy a lot of pants on clearance at Lands' End. Where were all these options in high school.
So, I don't even know you people yet but you are definitely good times...my husband Chris and his buddies are thoroughly convinced that even when you don't have 2 nickels to rub together, for some reason there is ALWAYS money for lingerie. go figure. I would say, there's always money for dark chocolate. Amen sister about the long pants! BTW the best store for long workout pants is LUCY! ...you'll thank me later. hah!
(this is Che Tibbets - the chick moving from Oregon soon)
Che, wow! How in the world did you find my blog?! I am totally thrilled. I just love having people read / comment on my nonsense. I look forward to having your family in the ward! How old are your children? I read the email that went around, but I can't remember. Well, happy moving. Can't wait to get to know you all.
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