Saturday, December 01, 2007

Possibly Bad Parenting

I'm a little hesitant about posting this. The kids were having so much fun! Laughter and shreaks of delight and thump, thump, thumps coming from the other room. I used to do this when I was a kid too. So, I filmed it and then I told them that I'm not so sure it was the greatest idea. Not sure if I will allow it again. Such a shame though, they were having such a good time!


Malauna said...

You had me worried that someone broke something. We did the same thing as kids (with nothing but a bare cement floor at the bottom of the stairs). Happy we don't have stairs at our house.

Renae said...

No, nobody was hurt. They just had a great time.

timpani76 said...

Oh! I loved doing this at my house! My kids can't do it right now because it does not work out as well with carpeted stairs (or maybe the type of carpet). Why is it bad parenting to have a good time?

Trever and Heather said...

I did that at slumber parties. On a sled though- ouch.