I didn't really have a costume. I always run out of energy and $ after I get my kids' costumes, so I rarely dress up anymore. I happened to be wearing my favorite t-shirt: a red and pink Super-Girl t-shirt, and my red jeans. I threw on a pink cape and went as "Super Mom." Clayton decided my outfit wasn't quite complete, and put on the finishing touch by pooping all over me 15 minutes after we'd gotten to the ward building.
Bruce had to work overnight last night. I had my whole bed to myself. NOT. Ross came up and got in my bed around 3 am, Mark came up around 5 am, then Justice joined in the fun around 6 am. Very shortly thereafter, Clayton decided he was hungry, so I had to kick them all out so I could feed him. My bed just isn't big enough! I will miss these days though. I just smiled and enjoyed having little boy stinky morning breath in my face and my hair pulled as my children rolled on it.
On another subject, Ross and Mark have learned to work their sister. They paid her a quarter to clean their room. Then I asked them to clean up the rest of their mess in the living room and other parts of the house. They asked Lydia if they could just throw their stuff into their room and have her put it away. For another quarter, she agreed. I'm not sure who is working who. But hey, as long as everybody's happy, and the house is getting clean...
I like the werewolf! Lydia really stands out though. I didn't know that was a Hanna Bannana thing.
I wondered where you went during the party! I'm still a bit sad that Bruce didn't show up as the tooth fairy.
barking mad
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