Sunday, March 21, 2010

Jet-Ray Says His Prayers

Justice had a sleep over at Grandma's house.

Grandma: Justice, can you say your prayers?

Justice: Okay, but I'm going to be Jet-Ray. (In a silly superhero voice) Dear Heavenly Father...(says his prayers all in Jet-Ray voice) ...amen. bleep. (Continues in normal voice.)


Dana Cheryl said...

Ha ha ha! Where'd he get Jet-Ray? Love it!!

timpani76 said...

I don't know if you ever read Terra Reed's family blog but she had this posted on there about a week ago:

A funny side note: Bella's shirt says Justice on it. There is a little boy in our ward named Justice. Therefore, she was convinced it was a boy's shirt and did not want to wear it anymore. I had a hard time convincing her that Justice is also a clothing store/brand for little girls.