Tuesday, March 27, 2007

My Week of March the 20 Something to March the 20 Something Else

My Little Imitator:
Here's Justice trying to clean the table.

The Procrastinating Artist:
Lydia came to me yesterday and told me that she wanted to enter the recycled milk jug lid contest. Unfortunately, the due date was the next day (today). So, we got to work on building the St. Louis Arch, her idea. We spent about an hour and a half to two hours hot gluing these milk jug lids together. After we were through, we went to my mom & dad's for dinner & family night. When we got home, it had broken and fallen over. Dang! Bruce & I stayed up late fixing it. We ended up drilling a hole through them all and stringing them on coat hanger. I just Love school projects! Not! But it did give Lydia & I two hours of quality time together.

Oh NO! We have another TV watcher!

Jumping the Gun on Some Summer Fun:

Ross had been bugging me for days to play in the sprinkler. I kept telling him that it wasn't that warm yet. Saturday, the whether was so nice, and he bugged some more, and Bruce relented. They were cold, but they had a good time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good pics! man, i am not looking forward the school project phase of my life! i hated them when i was IN school! erik is "helping" me alot around the house too. trying to wipe things off, help me sweep, pick up, ect ect. it is so darn cute! i wish jonni would get into the act...