We went bowling last night for Family Night. The kids always like that. Except for Bruce, who is a decent bowler and beat everyone, our scores followed reverse age order. Justice scored 101, Mark was next with 97, Ross followed with a 95, then Lydia with a 93. I was the biggest loser with a 91. Actually a 91 is pretty good for me. I'm a terrible bowler. No lie - I once bowled a 19! The thing about Justice getting such a good score was partly some kind of uncanny luck / skill thing going on. Bruce was having an off night, so while he bowled a bunch of spares, Justice (the 3 year old) was the only person the entire night to bowl a real legit strike. Go figure. There were several other "strikes" on our score card, but those were all because the kids don't throw the ball hard enough for the lane to register that a ball had been thrown. Hence the kids got a LOT of extra balls, another reason for Justice's high score. Anyway, it was a good time.
Here are just a couple of things that amuse me, recorded for posterity:
Mark wants to be a "Jet-Pack Ice-Cream Man" when he grows up. I'm not sure how the logistics of that are going to work, but what ever.
You know how little ones tend to lag behind when you are out and about anywhere. They are always dawdling, walking on the sidewalk curbs, or stopping to look at every little thing, always stopping to smell those darn figurative roses. Sometimes that's all good and well, and I try to stop along with them, but sometimes (okay a lot of times) I'm running behind schedule, and I just don't have time. Anyway, I've discovered a GREAT way of keeping Justice up with me. All I have to do is say "ACCELERATE!" (It's a Ben-10 Alien thing - one of his current favorite things on the planet. He has a "Ben - 10 Watch" otherwise known as an "Only Tricks" (Omnitrix is the real name) that he wears pretty much everywhere.) Anyway, all I have to do to hurry Justice along is to holler "ACCELERATE!" and Justice will mess with his watch for a second and then come running. It works almost every time.
Setting up expense reimbursement in your Church account
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2 months ago
Tell Mark I'll buy all the ice cream he has if he flies it over here. I've been looking for a good delivery service.
Oooh, I want an "accelerate" button for QQ! She is the all time best dawdler. She only runs or hurries when Vance is there to egg her on. I guess Vance is her "accelerate" button ;)
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