Sunday, May 31, 2009

Hairy Water

We had our own bit of flooding on Memorial Day. Here's Ross boating in our backyard.Ross and Mark wanted mo-hawks for summer haircuts. I don't fight them too much over hair. It's only hair. Whatever. Here are the before and afters on Ross (who had the long hair.) The hair on the floor here is just from Ross's head.)

Ross teared up just a little after his hair was gone. He missed his mane.
Here are my futile attempts to keep our house from becoming a huge ball of nasty dog hair. Here is the fur from one combing:

Here is the fur after emptying the vacuum canister and vacuuming up just the main floor. Yuck!


timpani76 said...

I just got the "hairy water" title. LOL!!!

lizS said...

when we saw you guys on saturday the first thing john asked was if i'd let erik do that if he wanted. i said yeah. i wouldn't like it, but yeah. then he asked if i'd let jonni do it, and i was like, eeeeeer, i'd have to think about that one, lol! luckily, jonni seems to have no interest. *whew*

Cassi :) said...

I always and make sure to check your blog on an empty stomach! Ha ha! Way to be a fun mom! They'll remember that stuff forever!

Trever and Heather said...

I hate hair once it's off someone or some animal's body. Ick!

lid said...

the water part was alote of fun:)