Friday, August 22, 2008

It's No Wonder That All My Mail Carriers Seem To Hate Me

I'm looking at a name, on a piece of mail, that I hadn't seen before: "Bathsheba Meyer Smith." I always figured it was my dog that the mail carriers hated, but I think it might also be John's silly mail. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind the joke. I'm laughing, but seriously I have three mail carriers that I see on a regular basis, and two of them seriously seem to loathe me! I try to be friendly to them, but they can't seem to do anything but give me dirty looks. Is is Chloe? I don't know. Partly, but maybe not totally.


timpani76 said...

Is is eating you up? Knowing that someone out there hates you? Some people have no sense of humor ;)

timpani76 said...

I meant the mail carrier having no sense of humor, not your Renae!

Dana Cheryl said...

Mail peple are all crazy. That's why the word "postal" is used to describe nutso types. Don't let 'em get ya down! :)

Eyepoke said...

I don't remember doing Bathsheba Meyer Smith. It sounds pretty uninventive.... but I might have.