Here's a picture of the last time we saw Trent before he headed off to the Mission Training Center. He just emailed it to me. He is now in Switzerland. So cool. Besides having the customary problem with the language, he seems to be doing very well.
I'm loving this spring weather!!! I went on a field trip with Mark to a nature preserve. As always, I love a field trip because I get to spend time with one of my kids singled out. Here are some of the beautiful things there.

Mark and his buddy Andrew

We used nets to see what kind of life we could find in this pond.

I forget what the name of this flower is, but it's kind of rare I think.

A cool look out.

More pretty wild flowers.

Looking for life in a decaying log.

Playing in a man made nest thing.

And here's a fun shot of Clayton from later on that evening when we took the kids to the park to practice their baseball skills. I took pictures of them too, but none of them turned out.
could you e-mail me Trent's mission address for the newsletter? Thanks!
Yay! Awwwww, Trent looks so handsome in his missionary attire!!
The nature preserve is really cool! Where is that?
dana, you look topless in your pic.
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