It seems that we have a lizard living inside our front porch. Do any of you know about lizards? I'll have to research, but I don't think they are dangerous at all. Are they pesty in anyway? I'm inclined to let him stay. (As long as he doesn't find his way into my house. I have found a lizard or two in the basement before.)
Justice and I have seen him sunning himself on our porch two days in a row now. He flits in and out of a big crack in the brick porch's mortar. It's probably hollow on the inside, so I think he/she has a nest in there. Justice has named him Broccoli, and he is fascinated with him. He keeps going out there to just stand a cautious few feet away and look at him. Justice is even drawing pictures of Broccoli, then he goes and compares his drawings to the real thing to "see if they match."
Lizards are awesome! They're very beneficial eating bugs and such.
Maybe this will lead to a future career. It's really cool that he's comparing this drawing to the real thing.
I know a girl who won a million dollar prize for her nature drawings... She now works for National Geographic and gets paid to travel around the world.
I looked him up. I think he's a broad headed skink, and he's a boy. The one that I saw in the basement looked like a girl of the sames species. Oh, and they are not venomous.
lizards are fun. i'm with dana in that they eat bugs, but i don't know anything else about them, except they look neat to me, lol!
he is a cool looking lizard to.
He is so neat looking! I will have to show Vance, he loved the blue tongued skink at the pet store the other day.
Eeek! Once again, Timpani not Erik in the above comment!
He would have to live in a swamp before I'd find him interesting. Or I'd have to change the locks on my doors in case the others left him a key.
Whoa! Is that Bruce?! Does this mean I may find a post over on your blog?! Dare I hope!
Good to "see" ya B!
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