Sunday, April 03, 2011

LOTR Awesomeness!!

We went to Powell Symphony Hall last night with our three oldest children to see The Fellowship of the Rings with the music played live with the orchestra and a HUGE live choir. It was just the just one of the coolest things EVER!!! It was exactly like watching the movie on a big screen, but the entire soundtrack was LIVE!!! We hung around afterward showing the kids the view from the balcony. When we came down, the place was mostly cleared, and we got to see a BUNCH of REALLY cool props used in the real movie. We talked to the guy who owns them. He confirmed that they were genuine, and he let us hold Sting to take a picture. SOO Frickin' cool! One of my very favorite movies with REAL music. .... SO COOL!
Us holding the REAL Sting. SO AWESOME!!

Us with a REAL Ring Wraith Costume.

\He also had the real shards of Narcil (sp??) and the sword once it was remade. He had a pair of Hobbit's feet, a bunch of cool helmets, an orc mask, and a bunch of other cool stuff. I can't imagine how much he paid for that collection! The swords were all knotched out from being used in the movie. Okay, I'm geeking out.
He had Orlando Bloom's knife / sword thing too.


lizS said...

okay, so, you holding sting is like the COOLEST THING EVER. looks like you guys had an awesome time!! *jealous*

Anonymous said...
