So, Mark lost his first tooth last night. He was very excited about that! Unfortunately, we've come to the conclusion that the Tooth Fairy must be retarded. About 90% of the time she comes to our house, she comes way late. The child wakes up so excited to see if the Tooth Fairy has left them any money, only to be disappointed. She generally makes it in sometime during breakfast. She'll often have some cock and bull story about what held her up. Once she left a note about being backed up because of the Peruvian Annual Tooth Pulling Fair, or something like that. Well apparently she can't count money either, because instead of leaving the usual dollar, she left Mark three quarters and a dime last night. I think we parents should band together, and hire a new Tooth Fairy! Seriously!!
OMG, Renae, you still believe in the tooth fairy??? Hahaha. I quit believing in that nonsense by the time I was 30.
that's hilarious! that picture of bruce...! there just aren't words. and that's funny cause jonni was just lamenting this morning that she still has all of her baby teeth. some kid in her class just lost his first tooth, so she thinks it HER turn now! funny kids. congrats mark! (don't tell jonni!)
I swear to the world, there was nothing in his raising that would have led him to this. I should know.
ROFL! Wherever did the Tooth Fairy find a pink shirt that even got CLOSE to fitting?! That's great! Though I really hope that's not the Tooth Fairy that comes in MY children's bedroom at night. We're still waiting for the first tooth to drop here, so I don't know who's been assigned to our kids. (YIKES!)
I think the tooth fairy needs a shave ;)
and I laugh again! hahahahahahahahhaahahahahahah!
and again! Ha! and once again I laugh: hahah! and then I continue with laughter for the remainder of the day!
i guess being pc isn't necessary on your own page, as it is also not necessary for a commenter to leave his name. love the blog..not so much the word in the toothfairy title.
and politically correctness was created by and for politicians. need i say more?
I didn't know that B had gotten a second job. I can't say that the work uniform is flattering but at least he gets to wear boots and not sparkly little glass slippers. lol!
p.s. This p.c. craze has gotten waaaayyyy out of hand! It's the intent behind a word that makes said word offensive not the actually word itself.
For example- It's a whole lot different when I refer to my female dog as a bitch compared to say the freakin' crazy woman driving the suburu I encountered on my drive home from work...
Same word whole different meaning.
amen dana!!
Anybody read "1984"? Anybody ever hear of Newspeak?
Now to REEAAAALY beat a dead horse!:
Ok, I'll read 1984 already John!!!
He probably wasn't meaning to nag me, specifically....
I read the Newspeak thing, sounded interesting.
I think "retarded" has become such a part of the vernacular, that it no longer even applies to the developmentally challenged anymore.
No wonder the person didn't leave their name, afraid of you wild jungle cats tearing them apart ;)
as the subject of the pic, i think i have the right the say what i find said about me offencive or not. i do not feel slighted in any way. i find this hole toppic reta.... no,cant say that, dumb. see i think saying its dumb is offencive. unless i ment that it cant speek. then its not.
Ok. I am the one who started all the controversy. I've been reading Renee's blog for several weeks now. I guess I am so sensitive to the "r" word because I am mentaly challenged myself. I belive that we should all respect each other. Many of your comments hurt my feelings deeply. I considered suicide, but I didn't want to give you all the satisfaction.
Michelle Obama
TAKE THAT MARY! How does it feel now you deletor???!!! Shoe is on the other foot now I daresay isn't it? hahahahahaha! take that!
Read Aesop's tale about the man, the boy and the donkey going to market.
LOL John!
Okay people, yes J, L, and M, I deleted your comments. Yes, I'm a deletor John. I don't have a problem with anyone telling me when they find something on my blog offensive. It's good to remind me that others are more sensitive to certain things than myself. That way I can be more careful in the future. I do, however have a problem with my visitors insulting eachother on my page. Let's be nice folks.
To the anonymous person: I am sorry to have offended you. I absolutely did in no fashion intend to offend anyone.
Now having said that, I do agree with Dana that PC has gotten way out of hand. I don't see what is wrong with calling something what it is, if there is no malice intended.
I can take being deleted. I didn't think I was being hateful, though. I was making a point that anonymous posters with criticisms are pusillanimous. I don't have a problem with correcting your host if there's a real problem for you, just have the courtesy to put your name on it. I just wanted to be sure that I wrote had actually posted (I didn't think it was worse than other things that were up, I guess THEY just hadn't been caught yet!). I also don't think what I said was any worse than what DC said, though, so I'm a little confused. Mary
Retarded meaning "slow," is saying that I believe the Tooth Fairy to be "mentally challenged" less offensive?
Mary, no the others just hadn't been caught yet. I don't mind for people to express their oppinions, as you and Dana both did. I would just prefer it if you did it without calling my other visitors names, you *%$@%* MORON!!! (Just kidding).
i do not believe, in any way, that you should feel bad though, renae. you're intent was not malicious. didn't we have a talk in general conference not more than a couple years ago about being offended? that basically to be offended is your own fault? i only say that because you have an overactive guilt complex, renae, and i don't think you should worry about something as silly as an anonomous person telling you you've been bad.
funny. i always thought we had the right to face our accusers in this country. it just hacks me off when our accusers hide their identity.
I must say Renae that your suggestion that the comment of mine that you deleted was calling anybody a name to be rather insulting in itself. If you recall, the comment you deleted of mine was : "Yeah-being PC is retarded!"
So please explain how that is calling anyone a name?
Also, how is it really anything other than a sum up of everything you Dana, Liz, Mary, and Bruce have all agreed on?
John, I deleted yours because you were intentionally trying to hack someone off.
Now can we please just chill out, people.
;laskdjtpoa URPOi3uwqr fsd jklfjksdf "me loves everybody"
plip plop ding dong blaka blaka fat hatty ripper face
AAAAHHHHHH my head if falling off!
I'm glad you didn't delete my post, making fun of your belief in the tooth fairy.
Renae I must say that i find you use of the word "Fat" in your last comment to be insulting and offensive. Some fat people just can't help it.
Also, your flagrant use of the phrase "ding dong" strikes me as needlessly sophmoric and sacreligious.
John, you are a short, faggety, gaybait, hillbilly, white trash, fat, old, retarded, mail man of a black hole.
Merry Christmas!
and just incase there was any doubt, I love you to pieces, Johnny Face.
Who knew the tooth fairy could be so controversial?
Renae hang in there! The world is a good place. You're just greatly loved and people want to look out for ya. Those of us that know you also know that you would never do anything to offend anyone on purpose! You are one of the most thoughtful people I know.
Really it is the intent behind words that make them vulgur & offensive. You have nothing to apologize for at all.
I didn't catch everyone's deleted comments but I did get Mary's. I completely agree what you have to say... Anyone should feel free to say what they want to say but they do need to put their names on it! :)
Retarded, Retarded, Retarded, Retarded, Retarded, Retarded, Retarded, Retarded, Retarded
I don't think it should be a sin just to say it!
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