Okay, don't freak out anyone, I'm not bulimic. I just sometimes sympathize with this disorder. You'll have to forgive me, this is going to be a bit of a different sort of post than my usual happy posts. I'm having a total insomniac night! I'm sure that tomorrow, well today, I'll really pay for this. I don't do well on not enough sleep.
So, back to bulimia. I've been sitting here doing nothing in particular on-line. Spending money that I really shouldn't at Deseret Book online and pigging out on M&Ms. I feel all yucky in my tummy now. I always do when I eat junk food. I admit that it is tempting, sometimes really tempting to go and barf it up. I'd probably feel better. I have never made myself throw up, and I've promised myself that I never will. I kind of know that if I did it once, I'd have a real problem with it. It would start out once in a blue moon, just to not feel like I'm feeling right now. (Which is YUCKY!) But before I knew it, I'd be doing it more and more often, until it was an everyday thing. I know better than to get started, so PLEASE don't worry about me. I really do have enough sense not to do it. But sometimes I feel really tempted.
Well, the reason for me posting this is that I just had a light bulb moment. I was lying in bed, trying to fall asleep, and wishing that I hadn't eaten those darned M&Ms, and so wanting to barf! But, I said to myself "That's just not something that I want to start." Then I realized bulimia is a two fold disorder: binging and purging. I had already done the binging. That's the part I don't want to start! That's the part that I need to work on controlling! If I can work on telling myself "That's just not something that I want to start." a little bit earlier, I won't ever have to feel this way again! I'm halfway bulimic already, I do the binging, I just don't purge. Binging is a very unhealthy thing too, that's why I'm feeling so yucky right now! No, I'm not saying that I might as well purge, in case anyone is thinking that's where I'm going with this. It's about not getting to the point where I want to purge. Not nipping the problem in the bud, as I have been doing-- but pulling the roots right out of the ground! Do you follow?
Alright, I need to try to get some sleep. I wonder if this will seem like a really stupid post when I'm not so tired! See you!
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2 months ago
i don't think your post is stupid, and i think your revelation is just that; a revelation from Father. very cool renae. love you,
You are very brave to post such personal feelings here, and I think that sometimes admitting feelings like these are healthy because they help you and the people who care about you to be aware of this type of weakness so they can help keep you from starting something so serious. Now on to something you maybe can do to help prevent these kinds of feelings. I personally HATE to barf. There is nothing more icky and painful to me than puking my guts up, so I refuse to do it. I am proud to be able to say it has been about 9 years since I threw up! How COOL is THAT?! And my personal goal in life is to never throw up again! Why don't you join me in my quest for a vomit-free life, and never yawn the technicolor yawn, or bow before the porcelain god again?
Hey Mary!
No worries, I've never done it on purpose, and I don't ever plan to. Yawn the technicolor yawn! Ha Ha! I haven't heard that one before!
Heh! It's one o' my favorites! ;)
Hey, please forgive my asking, but are you Mary C. or Mary Y.? You see, I have a friend named Mary C. who sometimes comments on my drivel, and an Aunt Mary out west, who my mother today, told me had read this stuff. So, I'm not sure which you are. Pardon. Love you either one!
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