I'd already given in and let my 4 year old "Hulk" wear his purplish blue shorts for the second day in a row. I did insist that at least he put on clean underwear.
Clayton: "Does Bruce Banner wear underwear under his purple pants?"
Me: "Yes!"
That done, we move on to:
"Okay, Hulk, put on your shirt."
"Hulk hates that shirt! It has a bomination on it!"
"Okay, how about this shirt"
Hulk proceeds to turn down 4 shirts in a row, throwing them, each in turn, vehemently on the ground. Finally I catch on: Hulk doesn't wear shirts.
"There are four shirts. Hulk had better pick one and put it on, or Hulk can't go to the park."
"...and then Hulk gets a headache," as he's holding his head, hunkering down, and pretending to shrink, "and he turns back into Bruce Banner, and puts his shirt on."
Setting up expense reimbursement in your Church account
For members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, when you
spend money for your Church calling, you can submit receipts to your
leaders and h...
2 months ago