Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Potty Training Funnys
Monday, October 27, 2008
A Screw Up That Makes Me Giggle
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Various Bits of Fun
Friday, October 24, 2008
Beans and Dollars
Oh well, spending time one on one with my children is better than money. Good times!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Funny Church Things
Also, after church today, Justice (my 2 year old) was in the Primary room talking on the microphone, as all children love to do. He was babbling along, and I didn't catch much of what he was saying, but he mentioned Jesus. Then he mentioned something about "punch you in the face."
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Late Night Crazies
Friday, October 17, 2008
My Sweet Boys
On a side note, I noticed that Justice's diaper was extremely soggy, and I asked him: "Are you poopy, Justice?"
"No, not yet." was his reply. I laughed. I've got to get that one potty trained!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Good News, Bad News
Monday, October 13, 2008
The Awesomest Weekend! (Now back to Reality)
Now I'm back home, I've completely unpacked, I took Clayton to the doctor to investigate a bug bite that looked nasty. Turned out to be a wasp sting. He never cried. Weird. He's fine. We put the basement back together, and cleaned up the downstairs family room. I found out the Chloe has worms (not heart worms), so I have to take her to the vet tomorrow. I have to spend tomorrow paying bills, and catching up on piano practice. And our water heater broke. Fun, fun, Fun. Vacation is over. However, I'm still good and chilled out from the weekend. I care not, it will all be well.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
The Solquid
Ever wonder what to do with all those boxes of cornstarch you have just laying around? Try making cornstarch feelies! I highly recommend it. We've done it several times on a small scale, just enough to play with in your hands. I've wanted to do enough to walk on for a long time. I was wanting to fill a kiddie pool with the stuff, but after doing a bit of calculation, I realized that it would take like 100 or so boxes. Not too cost effective. However I did blow 13 boxes at once here. It was great fun!
The cool thing about cornstarch feelies is that it really isn't a solid, but it's a weird kind of liquid. See, it's a surface tension thing. As long as you hit it fast, it feels solid. You can run and jump on it. But the second you stop moving, you sink into it like a liquid. When you roll it around in your hands, it will roll up like a ball, and it feels really solid. As soon as you stop rolling it, it runs all our of your hand just like any other liquid.
The formula is about 1 part water to 1.75 part cornstarch (give or take a little). That's about 1 2/3 cup water per 1 lb box of cornstarch. It does seem to dry out pretty quickly as you play with it, so you'll have to add a little water as you go. Give it a try! We love it. Oh, and here's a hint: A box of cornstarch at Shop -n- Save will run you about $1.40, but you can get one at Wal-Mart for $0.84. I haven't checked the Aldi, Save-a-Lot type stores yet.
Unfortunately, it was getting dark as we were doing this, so some of the video is pretty dark, and you can't see it so well on this little window.
Monday, October 06, 2008
A Picture for Mary's Mother

Things You Don't Hear Everyday
As I was getting ready to leave the check-out counter, out of the corner of my eye, I saw something fall out of my cart. I said "Uh-oh, I think I dropped something."
To which a lady walking past calmly replied "It's the baby's head."
"Oh, thanks!" I say, picking it up and walking on.
And incidentally only a boy would carry around the decapitated head of a baby doll.
How Do I Miss These Things?
Of course there is the Primary song that has always been so confusing for us Mormon kids, you know the one about "... by this shimeno, ye are my disciples..." I still can't figure out if we are supposed to go to Zambia, or if I need to purchase a certain fishing reel in order to be "saved." This could be important information for my salvation!
Seriously though, Bruce and I were just talking about movie Dances with Wolves and he said that he thought it was sad when Wind in his Hair was about to cry over Dances with Wolves leaving. "What?!" Says I. Apparently I totally misunderstood the ending of this movie. I've seen it a million times (it's been a few years now, but still.) Heck, we own that movie. I never got that Dances with Wolves and his wife leave for Washington! I just thought the whole tribe moved away to some other part of the wild west. How did I miss that?
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Recent Amusing Quotes From Our House
"I'm sorry that you can't paint on my face with your spit."
"Everyone fall down the hairplane! AHHHHH!"
My First Post-Partum Race
Here's the weird part: As soon as the race was over, my body freaked out! I started getting chills within minutes, and I just spiraled down from there. I was VERY sick yesterday. Fever, aches, chills, headache everything. I felt like I was going to pass out just getting up to go to the bathroom. It's the next day, and I am still feeling pretty horrible. So I'm wondering if pushing myself so hard at the race did this to me. (I have a hard time swallowing that theory. I've pushed myself pretty hard before without this happening.) Or was I already harboring a virus, and racing just pushed me seriously over the edge? I just hope I don't get everyone in my family sick especially Clayton. I had to snuggle him a lot yesterday and through the night to feed him. He has been sick for a few days, so I hoping that I just caught what he had, and not the other way around. (Did that make sense?) Okay, got to go lie down.