Wednesday, December 31, 2008
My New Calling
Plus you sometimes get to hear the kid's say funny things. Last Sunday, Aunt Claudia was giving a Sharing Time lesson on following Jesus' example. She told several stories of Jesus, and pointed out a different aspect of Jesus' character that we should try to follow. She told the story where Jesus heals the blind man by spitting in the dust and making clay to put on his eyes. She said something like "We may not be able to heal the blind man, but what else can we do to be like Jesus from this story." (She was fishing for "Service".) Dulaney Reed piped up and says, totally serious "Spit in the dirt." Funny!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Christmas Highlights
2) Jonni opening a present and yelling "I hate this!" I felt bad for Uncle Trent, who got her the present, but it was funny. I'm glad it wasn't my kid (this time).
3) My favorite presents that I gave were: a) I got Ashley a t-shirt that said "I love boogers" on the front, and "Nase Bohren" on the back. See, we had a drawing and I drew her name. You were supposed to put a wish list on your card, so that who ever got your name would have a clue what to get you. All Ashley put on her "wish list" was "I love boogers." She laughed, and put it on immediately. b) I printed out the entirety of both of my blogs, bound them, and gave them to my parents (who still don't have Internet.)
4) Dad and Mom both laughed themselves literally to tears over The Maverick. (That's an entry on Tadpoles, my other blog. I think it was so funny to them because it is about them.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Losing My Mind and Other Important Bits of Stuff
Thursday, December 18, 2008
More Old Funny Stories
Lydia was a cute five year old dressed up in her pretty ballerina outfit, complete with a pink leotard, pink floaty skirt, and some satiny pink "ballerina slippers." She was playing "dance teacher," and I was playing along as a student. " it just like me okay, do exactly what I do, okay!" Then she did this really fast spin around pirouette thing, lost her balance and crashed into the radiator with such momentum that she bounced off and fell in the opposite direction, knocking the front of the radiator loose. As the radiator face crashed down on top of her, she finished her performance with a fart. You'd have had to see it; it was sooo funny!
An Embarrassing Moment:
Back when L, R, and M were all preschoolers, I had a group of friends from our ward (church) who I used to meet with for playgroup type stuff. We met often at the library for story time. As is my custom, I was running late and had gotten dressed in a hurry. After story time, a group of us grown-ups were standing around talking. I noticed something funny feeling on the inside of my pant leg. I realized there was something extra in my pant leg, and it was working it's way down toward my foot. I kind of casually wiggled my leg until it came out. There on top of my foot, in plain site, was a pair of my underwear that had apparently gotten washed inside of my pants. You can imagine my embarrassment as I bent down and casually picked it up and stuffed it into my diaper bag.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
"Making a Mystery"
I taped this note to the face of the TV screen (so as to be sure that it would be noticed right away).
5 golden rings, 4 calling birds, 3 french hens, 2 turtle doves,... no, sorry wrong list again!
3 jugs of milk, toilet paper, a rubber salami ... oh that's my shopping list.
Okay, here's the real list of things to bring:
1 Pony tail holder
1 red, 1 yellow, 1 blue, and 1 black crayon
2 pair of matching socks belonging to your father
2 pennys
1 twig that is over a foot long
1 bike bottle of water
Once you've found each of these items, bring them to the Dangerously Crazed Captain Silly Face for inspection. There you will receiver further instructions.
Next I gave them a clue with a code to crack, which led to a treasure map, which led to a riddle to solve, which led them back to their original clue and told them to look for the clue hidden in the background. I had their things hidden in the box in the back of the picture with the ingredients for making rice crispy treats and a note that said that their friends were waiting for them to make a tasty treat with them. So, we made the rice crispy treats.
It was a huge success! The kids loved it, and have requested more mysteries. Fun stuff.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
My Bed Is Too Crowded
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Potty Training By Renae
1) You HAVE to wait until the child is ready. Until then, it just ain't gonna happen, and you will just get yourself and your little one needlessly frustrated. Be patient. Lydia was about 2 1/2 when she got it, and my boys, Ross, Mark and Justice were all nearly 3. Believe me, I know how much we all want our children to be out of diapers. But trust me on this, if they aren't ready, don't waste your time. Don't give yourself a needless headache (or your child needless guilt trips) and don't feel like a bad parent either. Some kids will be ready before others, and that's fine. I don't know how to tell when they are ready. They may show an interest, heck a keen interest in the potty early on. This may or may not mean they are ready. Yes, try it, but if it doesn't work, don't sweat it. Let it go and try again in a few months. When they are ready, it only takes a couple of days till they just get it, and then they are completely there. That's how it's been in my experience anyway. If you've tried and after a day or two, they just aren't getting it, don't push the issue, try again in a few months.
2) Don't waste your money on pull-ups as a general rule. Face the fact that you are going to have to clean up a mess or two or three or four. Pull ups are just like diapers to them. They just pee, and it gets absorbed, they don't care. Let them pee their pants with underwear (or go bare bottom, if you prefer). Let them see and feel the consequence. They probably won't like it. Now, if you are going out of the house, and they aren't quite totally trustworthy with those undies yet, yes, use a pull up or a diaper. But at home, NO. (If you work, wait until a Saturday when you can spend most of the day or a couple of days at home before you even try.) If your child is really ready for the potty, this stage shouldn't last too long. Like I said eventually it just clicks and they know what to do.
3) With a child who is ready, sometimes it's just a battle of wills. Justice is like this. He can do it, he's just not sure he wants to. Win the battle of wills. Put that kid in underwear, show him how to use the toilet, and let him pee his pants, poop them too. (Of course offer to take them to the potty several times a day. If you can see that they are getting ready to go, pick them up and set them on the potty.) Most little kids want to be a big kid, they want to wear the underwear, so if they are ready just enforce it (during the day, night time bed wetting is a whole other ball of wax. Some kids are just bed wetters, and so far as I know, they can't help it.) You don't have to be mean about it, just let them know that they are big and that they won't be wearing diapers anymore. Brace yourself to clean up a mess or two, and do it. Have a sticker chart, a bag of suckers, a few chocolate chips or something for a reward, and make a huge deal about it when they do use the toilet. When they mess up, show them that you are disappointed, but don't be mad at them. They are just little kids learning a new skill, they will mess up. It's okay. Having them help clean up the mess (in a nice way) will be a reminder and an incentive not to do it again. Don't make potty training be stressful for them. (Boy, don't I wish I could say that I've always done it like this! -HA HA!)
A tip that sounds good to me is to put them immediately on the toilet the first thing in the morning, as soon as they get out of bed. Don't we all have to pee first thing in the morning?
You might have a child who is like Ross was for me. He was truly afraid to poop in the potty for some unknown reason. I'm not sure what his aversion was, but he went a full year only half potty trained. He peed in the toilet always, but he would not poop in the potty. Why, I don't really know, but I think he was afraid that the toilet monster would come out and get him. What to do about that, I don't know. I tried to catch him in the act time and time and time again, and set him on the toilet when I KNEW he had to poo. He wouldn't do it though. He'd hold it all day until he got a diaper on to go to bed, then he'd poop in that. One day about a year after he was pee potty trained, we caught him at it, and he couldn't hold it any longer. He pooped in the toilet, and that was the end of that. It was a light bulb moment for him, he just realized that the toilet monster wasn't going to kill him, and it was all good. If you have one like Ross, I'm sorry. No good advice. Be patient and ready with those wet wipes.
That's all I really know. Hope it's helpful. Sorry if it's really not. I'd say, if you've tried everything you know, and it's not working, don't stress out - maybe they just aren't ready. Give it up and try again later.
-What a lot of yammer about nothing!
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Saturday, December 06, 2008
The Potty Train
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Guilt Trips From the Guilty
Monday, December 01, 2008
Poopy Diaper Humor
After the lesson was over, I was talking half to myself, half to Justice. I was thinking of my to-do list, and naming the things I needed to accomplish. I said "Come on Justice lets change your diaper. I need to make dinner!"
Kiddie Politics
Mark: "Who did you vote for?"
Kendall: "Who did you vote for?"
Mark: "I'll tell you if you tell me first."
Kendall: "I voted for John McCain"
Mark stared wide eyed with his mouth hanging open for a minute.
Mark: "I voted for John McCain too! Do you know what I heard about O'bama?"
Kendall: "What?"
Mark: "He will steal away all of your money."
Kendall: "Yup."
Mark: "And he wants to take away the mothers' right to have their children."
Kendall: "I don't think so."
Mark: "And he wants to take people out of the war!" --spoken like that was a bad thing.
I was chuckling to myself. Kids are funny.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
My Week
I ran in a 10 mile race yesterday. I wasn't blazing fast, but I finished still feeling good. That's all I was going for. I picked a nice comfortable pace, and just kept pegging away. I averaged 9.38 minute miles, or 6.4 mph. This is 2 minutes slower than the only other time I did that race. That was 2 years ago, 9 months after Justice. Last time, I had 4 more months of recovery under my belt, but I was still very new to running long distances, plus I was sickish that day. I felt 100 times better at the finish yesterday than I did 2 years ago. No ice bath, and I'm only a little bit sore. Next year I'll be going for a better time, but for this year, I'm happy.
On a funny note, Brad Wever, a 13 or 14 yr old kid that I give piano lessons to, also the son of 2 of our Godzilla friends ran about the same pace as me. We stayed together for about a mile, in between his vomitings. He pulled off of the road 3 times to puke, and still beat me by one second.
The Princess:
My Toe Nails:
After cutting holes in two new pairs of socks with my toe nails, I decided it was high time to cut the darn things. I have the thickest toenails in creation, I think. I actually broke the clippers. You can't tell it in the picture, but the metal thing that you push down on actually snapped in two.
Also, John and Liz got stranded here. I've gotten to see lots of them over the past week, and that is always a good thing. Good times!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
The Ultimate Luxury
The funny thing is that someday it will happen, and I'll probably miss the crowd. For now, I'd just love one good night's sleep!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Laughing With My Kids
Ross was making up his Christmas list. (Ross makes me laugh nearly everyday. He has a wacky sense of humor. I should blog about him more. I can't think of them right now. He's always drawing cartoons that make me laugh. About a month ago, he brought home one of his 80 page notebooks that I bought for him at the beginning of school. It was completely full of his silly drawings. I should scan them in, so you can see them. Anyway, I'm digressing.) So, Ross is making up his Christmas list. There are the normal things on there ex: a rip stick -it's on all of my children's lists, well the ones that are old enough to make lists. Benderoos (not sure if I spelled that right. I don't even know what it is, but it's on Mark's list too.) Then there are the impossible things: a Segway. Then he had this: Nationwide Insurance. We laughed about that.
Mark was feeling sad about something. I don't even remember what it was. I told him he should be happy because 1) he got to play with Tyler, 2) he got to have dinner and dessert at his friend Kendal's house, and 3) his mother pinched him - at which point I reached out and gave him a playful pinch. That made him smile in spite of himself. I explained that people like to be pinched. After all when people are so happy, they say "pinch me, I'm dreaming," so it must mean that pinching is a happy thing. ;) We then had a fun pinching war. We'd pinch each other and jump around pretending to be deliriously happy. Justice joined in, and we pinched, laughed, clapped our hands, and squealed like crazy.
At scripture time, Justice kept getting up and running across the room, hitting Mark, and darting back to his side of the room. I kept having to stop reading to tell him to sit down. Which of course, he did not. I was starting to get ticked off. He did it again just as I was reading " '...can you imagine to yourselves that ye hear voice of the Lord , saying unto you...' (here I broke off to yell at Justice, not realizing at the moment how funny it sounded) SIT DOWN!!" The kids all fell out laughing. Well, Justice continued to misbehave, so much so that I eventually sent him to his room for the duration of scriptures. I have to lock him in his room, or else he comes right back out. (No, don't call anyone on me, I don't keep him locked up too long. But I do need a way to discipline that boy.) Anyway, so we were reading scriptures again finally with some semblance of peace. We were ignoring Justice's yells from up in his room, to be let out. All of a sudden, the tone of his yelling changed from anger, to real panic, fright, and an urgent cry for help. I couldn't make out the words of his hysterical cries, but one thing was clear, and that was that the boy was terrified about something. Well, if you know Justice at all, you can only imagine what kinds of trouble this maniac dare-devil boy is capable of getting into. Imagining all kinds of impossibilities from him setting fire to his bed, to him dangling out of the two story window, I pelted up the stairs at top speed, (with all of the other children trailing alarmedly right behind me) unlocked the door and threw it open. I found him sitting on his bed (which was not on fire) and frantically yelling "HELP! The ladybug's trying to kill me!" He was scared of a silly ladybug. We all laughed a lot!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Normal People Don't Do This
Sunday, November 09, 2008
The Bishop Called Me A Weirdo
Friday, November 07, 2008
A Crazy Colliding of Two Worlds
Something I'm Surprised to Find That I Miss a Little
A while later...
I'm feeling better now. A live telemarketer called me just now. I answered the phone something like this: "wegoooishbnalpigpig"
"Hello?" from the TM
"Hello!" me in a strange voice.
"What language do you speak? Spanish, Portuguese?"
"Pig Latin"
"Pig Latin... igpay atinlay... igpay atinlay!"
He hung up on me. I giggled.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Monday, November 03, 2008
Alas For My Practically Naked Bum!
Church Attire
Saturday, November 01, 2008
1 1/4 cup flour
2 TBS sugar *
1 heaping tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/4 cup buttermilk
1 egg
3 TBS melted butter
Sift the flour, then add all the other dry ingredients and mix in a large bowl. Mix the wet ingredients in a separate bowl. Add the wet ingredients to the dry. Mix just enough to get it together. Don't worry about lumps. Cook on a preheated griddle sprayed with cooking spray.
Here are a few tips about pancakes that I have gathered:
1) Use real buttermilk!!!! It makes a huge difference! I've started keeping it in the house, just so I can make stellar pancakes. I generally use it up before it goes bad.
2) Sift your flour well. (I actually don't own a sifter, so I just fluff it up with a fork really well before I measure it.)
3) Real butter seems to make them better.
4) As always, don't over mix. That's a killer for sure.
* I meant to put in 1/4 cup of sugar, but I think I screwed up and only put in 1/8 cup (which is the same as 2 TBS.) These pancakes were really good, so I wish I could remember how much I actually put in! I'm not really sure, but I think it was the lesser amount. Recipes vary on sugar pretty widely. I'm thinking my screw up might have found the perfect mean. I'll have to try it again, to be sure of what I actually did. Either should make a good pancake, but I prefer what I did today (I think it was 1/8 cup.)
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Potty Training Funnys
Monday, October 27, 2008
A Screw Up That Makes Me Giggle
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Various Bits of Fun
Friday, October 24, 2008
Beans and Dollars
Oh well, spending time one on one with my children is better than money. Good times!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Funny Church Things
Also, after church today, Justice (my 2 year old) was in the Primary room talking on the microphone, as all children love to do. He was babbling along, and I didn't catch much of what he was saying, but he mentioned Jesus. Then he mentioned something about "punch you in the face."
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Late Night Crazies
Friday, October 17, 2008
My Sweet Boys
On a side note, I noticed that Justice's diaper was extremely soggy, and I asked him: "Are you poopy, Justice?"
"No, not yet." was his reply. I laughed. I've got to get that one potty trained!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Good News, Bad News
Monday, October 13, 2008
The Awesomest Weekend! (Now back to Reality)
Now I'm back home, I've completely unpacked, I took Clayton to the doctor to investigate a bug bite that looked nasty. Turned out to be a wasp sting. He never cried. Weird. He's fine. We put the basement back together, and cleaned up the downstairs family room. I found out the Chloe has worms (not heart worms), so I have to take her to the vet tomorrow. I have to spend tomorrow paying bills, and catching up on piano practice. And our water heater broke. Fun, fun, Fun. Vacation is over. However, I'm still good and chilled out from the weekend. I care not, it will all be well.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
The Solquid
Ever wonder what to do with all those boxes of cornstarch you have just laying around? Try making cornstarch feelies! I highly recommend it. We've done it several times on a small scale, just enough to play with in your hands. I've wanted to do enough to walk on for a long time. I was wanting to fill a kiddie pool with the stuff, but after doing a bit of calculation, I realized that it would take like 100 or so boxes. Not too cost effective. However I did blow 13 boxes at once here. It was great fun!
The cool thing about cornstarch feelies is that it really isn't a solid, but it's a weird kind of liquid. See, it's a surface tension thing. As long as you hit it fast, it feels solid. You can run and jump on it. But the second you stop moving, you sink into it like a liquid. When you roll it around in your hands, it will roll up like a ball, and it feels really solid. As soon as you stop rolling it, it runs all our of your hand just like any other liquid.
The formula is about 1 part water to 1.75 part cornstarch (give or take a little). That's about 1 2/3 cup water per 1 lb box of cornstarch. It does seem to dry out pretty quickly as you play with it, so you'll have to add a little water as you go. Give it a try! We love it. Oh, and here's a hint: A box of cornstarch at Shop -n- Save will run you about $1.40, but you can get one at Wal-Mart for $0.84. I haven't checked the Aldi, Save-a-Lot type stores yet.
Unfortunately, it was getting dark as we were doing this, so some of the video is pretty dark, and you can't see it so well on this little window.
Monday, October 06, 2008
A Picture for Mary's Mother

Things You Don't Hear Everyday
As I was getting ready to leave the check-out counter, out of the corner of my eye, I saw something fall out of my cart. I said "Uh-oh, I think I dropped something."
To which a lady walking past calmly replied "It's the baby's head."
"Oh, thanks!" I say, picking it up and walking on.
And incidentally only a boy would carry around the decapitated head of a baby doll.
How Do I Miss These Things?
Of course there is the Primary song that has always been so confusing for us Mormon kids, you know the one about "... by this shimeno, ye are my disciples..." I still can't figure out if we are supposed to go to Zambia, or if I need to purchase a certain fishing reel in order to be "saved." This could be important information for my salvation!
Seriously though, Bruce and I were just talking about movie Dances with Wolves and he said that he thought it was sad when Wind in his Hair was about to cry over Dances with Wolves leaving. "What?!" Says I. Apparently I totally misunderstood the ending of this movie. I've seen it a million times (it's been a few years now, but still.) Heck, we own that movie. I never got that Dances with Wolves and his wife leave for Washington! I just thought the whole tribe moved away to some other part of the wild west. How did I miss that?
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Recent Amusing Quotes From Our House
"I'm sorry that you can't paint on my face with your spit."
"Everyone fall down the hairplane! AHHHHH!"
My First Post-Partum Race
Here's the weird part: As soon as the race was over, my body freaked out! I started getting chills within minutes, and I just spiraled down from there. I was VERY sick yesterday. Fever, aches, chills, headache everything. I felt like I was going to pass out just getting up to go to the bathroom. It's the next day, and I am still feeling pretty horrible. So I'm wondering if pushing myself so hard at the race did this to me. (I have a hard time swallowing that theory. I've pushed myself pretty hard before without this happening.) Or was I already harboring a virus, and racing just pushed me seriously over the edge? I just hope I don't get everyone in my family sick especially Clayton. I had to snuggle him a lot yesterday and through the night to feed him. He has been sick for a few days, so I hoping that I just caught what he had, and not the other way around. (Did that make sense?) Okay, got to go lie down.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
A Really Cool Leaf Project
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Breaking News: The Tooth Fairy is Retarded!

So, Mark lost his first tooth last night. He was very excited about that! Unfortunately, we've come to the conclusion that the Tooth Fairy must be retarded. About 90% of the time she comes to our house, she comes way late. The child wakes up so excited to see if the Tooth Fairy has left them any money, only to be disappointed. She generally makes it in sometime during breakfast. She'll often have some cock and bull story about what held her up. Once she left a note about being backed up because of the Peruvian Annual Tooth Pulling Fair, or something like that. Well apparently she can't count money either, because instead of leaving the usual dollar, she left Mark three quarters and a dime last night. I think we parents should band together, and hire a new Tooth Fairy! Seriously!!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
And The Winner IS .....(Drum Roll...)
The correct answers are as follows: A-Lydia, B-Clayton, C-Mark, D-Justice, and E-Ross. Both J & K got all of them right. I'll get your prizes to you soon!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
I Practically Had The Same Baby Five Times!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Blow Outs
Reminds me of my brother, John's wedding. Mark was one month old. I was changing his diaper in the van, about 20 minutes before the ceremony was to start. I had the old diaper off, and hadn't yet managed to put the new one on yet when SSSPPPLLAATT!!!! That stuff came shooting out of there like water out of a fire hydrant. Covered my entire torso in yellow baby poo, plus a good portion of the van seat and headrest. My nice dress suit was ruined.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Because It Makes Me a Little Sad to See My Hard Work Pushed Off the Page Already
Monday, September 15, 2008
Why My Daughter Rocks
The Past Through The Eyes Of A Two Year Old

A Quick Observation
Saturday, September 13, 2008
A Couple of Funny Kid Things
Last Tuesday, we let the kids stay up a bit on the late side to have a bonfire in our backyard. Ross asked if he could have some Mountain Dew. I said no, because it was too close to bedtime. To which Ross replies "That's what pull-ups are for!"
BTW, I'm glad that I don't live in Galveston TX today! I feel for you all down there! I'll toss up a few prayers on your behalf.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
It Ain't Just Me
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Ross the Philosopher
"Why not?"
"Because there will be no boxing. If you can't hurt anyone, what's the point?"
Night Time Fun
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Two Totally Unrelated Things

A Look Into My Future
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Hiking with the Kids and Grandparents and Misc.
Oh, and here's one of Monkey Boy washing his hands.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Finally! It's not perfect, but I'm tired of messing with this, and I'm too ashamed to admit how much time I wasted on this piece of nonsense, so you'd better spend four measly minutes watching this, and leave me lots of comments okay! (approx. 500 pics!)
P.S. You'll have to go to the side bar and pause mt playlist before you watch this silliness.
Blast!!! I just watched this on my downstairs computer, and the sync got screwed up.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
"Wholesome" Home Made Bread
This was kind of an odd friendship. I don't know how or why, but somehow this guy and his friends started sitting with me and my friends at lunch in high school. We didn't really run with the same crowd at all. Only we happened to have the same lunch period, and I guess some of his lunch time friends were friends with my friends. Anyway, as I remember it he sought me out for friendship. He started calling me everyday after school. It was like clockwork, I could always count on his phone call. We would talk for at least an hour, sometimes two everyday after school. From his appearance, you'd assume he was a bad boy, but he was really a great guy on the inside. He kind of reminded me of Steven Tyler (Aerosmith) in looks. Anyway, why did we become friends? I don't know. I think he liked me in the crush sort of sense, and I'd have to say that the feeling was mutual. However, neither of us ever made any move in that direction. We were only ever just good friends. He seemed to see something in me that was better than I was at the time. I remember him telling me that he could see me someday in the future baking bread and playing piano. He said he just pictured a husband coming home from work and there I'd be playing the piano with a "beautiful loaf of bread." (He also liked the word "wholesome." Why, I don't know, he said it just sounded cool.) I told him he was silly because at the time, I neither knew how to bake bread or play the piano. The funny thing now is that piano has become my absolute favorite hobby. (He had nothing to do with it. I just fell in love with the instrument.) I remember feeling like I should try to do some missionary work with him, but I was a chicken, and never plucked up the courage to try.
Anyway, about a year after he graduated high school, he was murdered. It was rather horrible. I wanted to go to his funeral, but I didn't. I kind of felt like an outsider. He was the only person in his circle that I really knew. I wasn't friends with his close friends, and I'd never met his family, so I just felt like I would have been out of place. Anyway, I can't make bread or hear the song "Brown Eyed Girl" (That song seemed to play over and over again on the juke box at in the high school cafeteria. He's why it's on my play list.) without thinking about, and fondly remembering my friend who turned out to be right about me.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Not Yet Anyway
A few minutes later I was singing "YMCA" and crazy disco dancing, with the Ed Grimly dance thrown in there a few times. As the bus pulled away, I Ed Grimlyed some more. It makes me extremely happy that Lydia still likes it when I act silly in front of all her friends! She's not embarrassed by her weirdo mom, not yet anyway
Friday, August 22, 2008
It's No Wonder That All My Mail Carriers Seem To Hate Me
Thursday, August 21, 2008
OUCH!!! My Poor Baby!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Ross Magoo
I have to give Ross props. He's been very good this week since we've been back at school. He's been getting himself up with an alarm, getting ready for school and doing his pre-school chores with little or no complaints. He even did his homework today without being asked! Rock on!
Here's a self portrait that he did at school today. I'm posting it because I found the fact that he glued the hair down over his eyes amusing.
Friday, August 15, 2008
The Good Ol' Days
Disappointed, I was on my way home, when I noticed Rinderer's Pharmacy across the street. It's a mom & pop kind of a place that I'd never really paid much attention to before. I figured I'd give it a try. I stepped inside, and it was like stepping back into the sixties. ("Welcome to the Sixties! Oh oh oh oh oh-o-o-o-o!" -Hairspray with my Michael Ball. Quit it with the M.B. already, dork!) Everything there looked old fashioned from the shelves, their funky stockings, to the price tags on them. Clearly a store for old folks to buy their medicines, scarves for their heads, walkers and such. I decided not to beat around the bush, but asked the first clerk I saw. She was sitting at a large desk with another person across from her. I'm not sure if he worked there or not. They gave off the air of two people playing a friendly game of checkers, or something. They chatted friendily with me, and told me that I could make "bubbles as big as a house" with my glycerin. The woman pointed and said "the last aisle over there, against the wall, on top, in about the middle of the section." "Thanks!" I say and head over. I begin scanning about where she had directed. After about 30 seconds, when I hadn't found it yet, another clerk asked me if I needed any help. "Yes," I said, "I'm looking for some glycerin." She smiled and picked up a bottle and handed it to me. I proceeded to the check out lane. A couple of older women stopped me to admire my baby, and to talk about how they had had six of their own back in the day. Everyone there was very friendly. I left there thinking "I can't even remember the 'good ol' days,' but I think I miss them."
BTW, the bubbles ended up being a bit of a disappointment. Not really any better than store bought bubble solution. Maybe I'll experiment with it another day. It was about 500 degrees outside that day. I didn't really give it much time to impress me. So much for all that bother!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
My Attempt at Photography